Reclamo N° 167650

26 Ottobre 2019
Dear Unione Nazionale Consumatory Team, This is a complaint against Sixt car rental company. My contract # with the company is 9422327130. on September 21 I have rented a car together with friends from Termini train station in Rome. When we took the car, Sixt representatives told us we should return it at the train station in Venice. They pointed the address which was written in the agreement (Via trento 1). They said we must return the car until 13:15 on September 22. On September 22, at 13:15 we were with the car in front of the address but we were unable to deliver the car on time due to the following facts: 1. The office of the car rental is NOT in the train station in Venice. When we arrived at the address, we thought that the office would be in the train station (as we wore told in Rome, similar to the office in Rome, and as are all other offices of other rent-a-car companies). We stopped the car in front of the station, we made (by foot) the tour of the whole train station a couple of times! We didn`t find the office. Then we checked the address again. The GPS said the exact address is in the next building. We had already passed a couple of times the entrance of the building but we could never, ever, guess it is possible to be the write place! 2. The "office" in Venice is in fact a 5 or 6-floor parking, with a barrier and NO SINGLE SIGN to indicate that it is possible to enter it and NO SINGLE SIGN that the parking places are located on the 5th floor. We spent more than 1 hour in making tours around the train station, asking people and wondering. We called the call center of the company a couple of times. We were transferred from one agent to another. The call center agents were saying that there are signs indicating where the office is. So, we kept making tours around and looking for signs. We lost precious time we could use in a much better way, we got wet and sick because it was raining. In the end representatives of other ren-a-car companies told us where the parking places of Sixt are located. When we returned the car, Sixt representative didn`t say anything. She said just “ok, no worries, just give me the keys”. When we returned back home it turned out nothing was OK. We were charged double for being “late” by 45 minutes. The company charged us 463 Euro for 24 hours!!! We are contesting this “late arrival” as we were on time at the right place. I suppose there are many foreigners who rent cars in Italy. It is absolutely unthinkable and unethical 1. To guide people to the train station when you know that your office isn`t located there 2. Not to put a single sign indicating where your office actually is. It is unacceptable for a huge and renomated company as Sixt. When I saw this in by Bank account, I called the company a number of times. They were unwilling to listen to my explanations. They don`t want to check on the car`s GPS to see that we were in front of their office on time. They didn`t want to answer my questions or help me in any way. I sent a complain via their website but received no reply so far. I will be very grateful if you could help me with this issue. I am looking forward to your positive reply. Kind regards, Georgi Vasilev. Bulgarian citizen. [email protected]
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