Reclamo N° 167534

25 Ottobre 2019
Hi, On 23 Oct 2019 I bought two train tickets: Bergamo - Pioltelo - Peschiera del Garda, departure: 22:02 on 24 October 2019. I was traveling with my family (my wife, a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and me) from Bergamo airport (arriving from UK) with final destination: Peschiera del Garda, Verona. The first train (Bergamo - Pioltelo) was ok, but the second one was cancelled! As I came to know, all the remaining trains on that route were cancelled until next morning, 25 October, at 6:25 AM. The reason for train cancellation was a general strike (from 9PM on 24 Oct to 9PM on 25 Oct). My problem is: for sure the information about the strike was known on 23rd of October, when I bought the tickets online. Why wasn't there any warning notice about the strike on the ticket sale page? Can you please advise if I can recover the amount I had to pay for accomodation on 24 Oct (€78 for a hotel room in Milano, because I had to wait for a train on the following morning). I also paid €15 on taxi, to hurry from the airport to the train station. I consider the train company failed to inform me as a customer, and sold me a service I couldn't use due to factors that are not my fault, as a customer. Coming from UK, I was not aware about this general strike, I didn't have the possibility to follow Italian news channels, and I was traveling with two young children, thinking that we will arrive at our destination by 12 PM on 24 October. Looking online, AFTER, I already found out about the strike, I could find a notice hidden on a "media communication" page on the website: How was I supposed to get to this notice? Why wasn't there a short warning on the ticket sale page? If I had known in advanced I could have done different arrangements for my travel. I would appreciate any help and guidance you csn offer. I can provide further evidence of necessary (train tickets, hotel invoice). Best Regards, Gabriel Sandor
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