Reclamo N° 70949

09 Novembre 2017
I used rent-a-car service, a company "Maggiore Rent"Spa, via Roma, 96, 39100 Bolzano, P.IVA 06771581003. Initially, they announced a price for the service and I agreed to make a contract. In the invoice, in addition to the agreed sum, various fees have been charged for which I have not previously been notified, I feel deceived. 1. Road tax - 1,95 EUR - but I have paid a toll for a highway 2. Railway charges - 13.68 EUR - What is this charge after I have rented a car? 3. SUPERPAI - 12.30 EUR - What is this fee? 4. Windscreen protection - 1.50 EUR - What is this fee? 5. When returning your car, your representative says everything is fine! Why do you want to pay for fuel? Regards!
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