Reclamo N° 86713

18 Febbraio 2018
Gentile associazione , qui sotto copio il testo della recente mail ( in inglese perché erano coinvolte vaie ditte di trasporto non italiane) che ho inviato ad Amazon . ITALIA a seguito dell mancata consegna del mio ordine N (Ordine: 402-2925953-6657918 del 4 gennaio 2018). la storia comincia con il suddetto ordine del valore di 150 euro. mai arrivato a casa mia dopo vari. ritardi problemi doganali etcetera e per tutta risposta ho solo avviato una mail. di. amazon poco intellegibile ma che diceva che avrebbero esaminato la richiesta. ma che alla fine la responsabilità era di TNT che ha dichiarato PERSO l'oggetto e quindi non consegnato . TNT dice che il responsabile del rimborso è Amazon e viceversa . La Polizia cui ho fatto denuncia dice che il sponsale ultimo è Amazon . La storia è aperta da circa 6 settimane con oggi 18 febbraio 2018, nessuno dei coinvolti ha rimborsato nulla , questa mail di ricapitolazione che ho spedita il 29 gennaio non ha avuto nessuna risposta da Amazon ne da altri. graze per un consiglio. da parte vostra, cordialmente mariacristina ambrogi QUOTE " mariacristina ambrogi " Gen 29 alle 4:33 PM A " eCBD - Marketplace Amazon " Amazon Italy " [email protected] Ccn " [email protected] Corpo del messaggio: Dear Jose M I have checked directly with TNT Geneva to whom you sent my police report. You can check with TNT by calling them or check in the website of The TNT delivery track of my order ( 51967914) result officially classified LOST = the delivery never took place successfully This I hope give me rights to claim refund or a re-expedition from whomever is responsible I am sending you brief summary of the events and I am asking you to copy this to whomever you think is relevant in Amazon , eCDB , ASM transporte and TNT Geneva 1) On the 4th of January I order a product on amazon (order: 402-2925953-6657918) for the value of around 170 CHF 2) The delivery date was indicated by the Amazon Website on the 8-9 January 3) The delivery did not take place in the date indicated by the website. Note that I had taken a day off from work to be able to be present during the date of delivery 4) In the following 5 days from 9 to 14 January I kept waiting, then I sent a complaint for delay through the website and as reaction was informed by mail that the delivery was delayed due to custom checks (no information was given on the presumptive new date of delivery) 5) On the 15th,unexpectedly a man who did not say his name (but I still have his phone number) called me saying that he was about deliver my package and asked for the entry code of my building. He sounded very nervous and in a hurry. He did not give any other information not concerning his employer ( I realised later that was TNT ) and neither concerning the fact that if I was not at home in that moment he could have left the package somewhere else (like in the post office nearby for example… ) or deliver it to me personally a bit later as soon as I was at home. This was very unprofessional and careless 6) Since my building the mail box is in an open space and is not locked I told him that it would have been safer to place the package in front of my door which is a more private space than the building entry 7) The person asked me to write the code and the above in an SMS which I did 8) I was home about one and a half hour later and nothing was in front of my door nor in my mailbox. As well I asked my two neighbours and the conciergierie , nobody had seen the packet . 9) As I continued to write to Amazon requesting an explanation to seriously careless and unprofessional service I have received, I received a reply saying that the object was delivered with “signature “ 10) As I remarked that there was no possible “signature” of reception from my side I received your mail with attached a report of delivery of TNT. Which carried the handwriting that the object was delivered in the MAIL BOX. You requested me to file a complaint of what happened to the police, which I did and forwarded you based on a supposed delivery in my mailbox 11) In your last mail you are now telling me that you have nothing more to do with this and that you forwarded my Police complaint to TNT 12) I just called TNT in Geneva and they said that of course the man should have offered me a possibility to deliver the package in another place and /or time and that this kind of careless service is not normal and that the transporter (ASM in Spain) should have an insurance to repair the damage… 13)The TNT service has declare the Object LOST in their tracking service because to them it was never delivered ! Although at this stage I am more and more puzzled of the fact that nobody wants to take responsibility of this failed service, which failed starting from Amazon (website promising delivery date that cannot be maintained) to the unprofessional and careless man who was supposed to deliver my order. I hope that since my order is officially been declared LOST in the very complicated network of delivery that Amazon has put in place I will be finally refunded or benefit of re-expedition of the same object. Thanks for your attention, With best regards UNQUOTE
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