Reclamo N° 182573

19 Marzo 2020
Dear Sir/madam, I am UK resident and have rented the house from 03/03/2019, for just temporary stay. There are 2 houses on the same land, I rented a house; Via Provinciale 156, but the gas boiler had problems, so I moved another house; Via Provinciale 154 on 05/05/2019, but again the boiler had been errors many times gas engineers came and fixed it but soon errors again and stop working repeatedly. I was suffering without gas,heating, and hot water for totally more than 30 days in the very cold weather, even for temporary stay. At the early stage, the engineers recommended to replace with a new boiler but the landlord didn't want to spend money so just keep fixing all the time, I was suffering from without gas/heating/hot water during these time until now. The landlord has insisted the boiler is working fully functioning and efficiently even now the boiler has been stopped working again with an error. Recently, I found a huge gas bill in the very old post outside. Usually my landlord has sent me all bills by email but she had hidden the huge gas bill and a reminder which I have not paid. The gas bill from 11/09/2019~31/12/2019; the amount of the bill was €1,010.33 for only temporary stay for 45 days during the gas bill period, stayed alone by myself. I used only few gas but the bill was llike annual amount, this is impossible to use. I was investigating and read several articles about a faulty gas boiler caused huge amount of gas bill. I complained to the landlord because before renting the house I was told the utility annual bill price was like €800, but she has insisted the boiler was working fully functional and efficiantly. I had to find out what problems might be caused by the use of gas so expensive. I have emailed several times to the gas company named "La Compass Spa" who has supplied gas here to investigate whether the gas meter worked correctly/gas was not leaking (because of gas smells many times), but no respond. The boiler had an error and stopped working again on 05/03/2020, so I called landlord but the next day she said because I did not pay the last gas bill so the gas company disconnected the gas. I do not know whether this is true or not because the landlord is dishonest person, and during I asked the gas company for investigation then the boiler was stop working and there was no gas, (the gas tank outside was filled up on 08/January/2019) I emailed to ask them several times they disconnected the gas or not, but no reply at all. Now the boiler has been stopped working since 05/03/2020, and there is no heating, no hot water, no gas on the gas cooker as well. This is totally unfair if they disconnected the gas without investigation even I complained and asked them many times. Now, my landlord asked me to leave to find a suitable house for me. However, she breached the contract to rent out the poor maintenance houses to me. I would like to be investigated this matter as soon as possible. Please advise me. Kind regards, Mayumi Saito
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