Reclamo N° 111319

02 Agosto 2018
Dear Sir or Madame I am sending this message in case of an issue I have had been observed with the FastWeb internet service. I signed the resignation document on 7 June 2018 in the office in Verona via Cappello 7, and the line must be disconnected within 30 days, but the payment for July has had been taken from my credit card on 25 July 2018 what should not be done in accordance to the agreement. I am really afraid that the next payment will be taken in August even if I am not the residence of Verona yet. I sent my complaint to the FastWeb office in Verona via Cappello 7and have not received any information back, even confirmation that my email has been readen. Please do your best to finalize everything as fast as it possible and disconnect my credit card bank account from your automatic payment system. I hope you will send me money back, taken for July 2018 in contrary to the resignation of the contract. Waiting for quick response With kind regards, Grzegorz Makowski
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