Reclamo N° 234481

05 Maggio 2021
I have bought a flight for 1 august 2020 Budapest - Rome, Rome - Tunis, with return on 5th September 2020, for two passengers , but we couldn't fly due to Covid rules, Tunisia didn't accepted entry only for foreigners having a residency established there. I've contacted Alitalia, they said I could use the tikets this year, but when I looked to find flights I didn't find. I contacted them to ask for either my money back if I can't fly with them, but the regional bureau in Serbia has not answered either to my mail, nor my phone calls. I sent mail to Italian bureau and they sent me back to the Serbian bureau that is unreachable. I sent Alitalia (Italy) another mail announcing that Serbian Office doest work/reply and haven't got any answer yet. On the first mail, when they said I could use the tikets next year I saw a date of expiry (17 may). I assoume that they are trying to ignore me, in order to, answer me after that date, that... sorry you depassed the date, an make me loose my money payed on the tikets that I couldn't use because of this global situation. I need help, because for Alitalia some 500 euro's the price of tiket is notheing, when for me, that is a important amount of money that I am loosing without recievineg anything in exchange.
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Dal Lunedì al Venerdì
dalle ore 9 – 13 / 14 – 18

06 32600239