Reclamo N° 275189

28 Luglio 2022
Gentilissimi, avevo già scritto in merito ad un ritardo di Ryanair ad una risposta per l'emissione di un voucher di "rimborso" per una viaggio annullato a causa del covid. La risposta è arrivata ed è negativa. Nessun diritto al rimborso. Questa la risposta di Ryanair: From: Ryanair Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 5:08:16 PM To: FABIO DONATI Subject: Re: Ryanair COVID-19 claim Ryanair Your request (19391701) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email. Jana T. (Ryanair) 28 lug 2022, 16:08 GMT+1 Dear Mr Donati, We refer to your claim dated 09/07/2022. On reviewing your request, I can confirm you are not eligible for a Travel Voucher for your unused ticket as your flight was not part of the criteria set out by the Italian Government in relation to COVID 19. In the booking KCJFGD all the passengers boarded the flights. Yours sincerely, Jana T. PCC Kajetan Szymkiewicz 30 mag 2022, 17:00 GMT+1 Dear Mr. Donato, I refer to your recent claim. On reviewing your claim, we note the email address used when making your claim differs from the email address in your booking KCJFGD. To process your claim, we require proof of identification for each claimant for security purposes. Copy of your Passport/National Identity Card used to check-in for the flight to which your claim relates, with the following information visible: name and surname, date of birth, document number, country/region of issue, expiry date (no other information or details need to be visible). All future correspondence will be sent to the email address in the reservation, therefore we kindly request that you forward your documents using the email address used to make your reservation. Yours sincerely, Kajetan Sz. FABIO DONATI 30 apr 2022, 11:16 GMT+1 EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated from outside of the Ryanair Group organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning Ryanair, I kindly ask you to have news of the ticket reimbursement procedure that I have opened in question. Waiting for your reply, I offer my cordial greetings. Best regards Fabio Donati Scarica Outlook per Android Ryanair System Admin (Ryanair) 21 apr 2022, 18:49 GMT+1 Fabio Donati [email protected] KCJFGD E-MAIL DISCLAIMER This e-mail and any files and attachments transmitted with it are confidential and may be legally privileged. They are intended solely for the use of the intended recipient. Any views and opinions expressed are those of the individual author/sender and are not necessarily shared or endorsed by Ryanair Holdings plc or any associated or related company. In particular e-mail transmissions are not binding for the purposes of forming a contract to sell airline seats, directly or via promotions, and do not form a contractual obligation of any type. Such contracts can only be formed in writing by post or fax, duly signed by a senior company executive, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The content of this e-mail or any file or attachment transmitted with it may have been changed or altered without the consent of the author. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, disclosure, alteration, printing, circulation or transmission of, or any action taken or omitted in reliance on this e-mail or any file or attachment transmitted with it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify Ryanair Holdings plc by contacting Ryanair Holdings plc (Company No. 249885) / Ryanair DAC. (Company No. 104547). Registered in the Republic Of Ireland. Airside Business Park, Swords, Co Dublin, Ireland. trigger_logic_for_ryanair Ryanair Holdings plc (Company No. 249885) / Ryanair D.A.C. (Company No. 104547). Registered in the Republic of Ireland. With registered address Airside Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland. [WPPKDG-0K305] Sinceramente non capisco perché ci è stato negato il diritto di avere un voucher di rimborso per l'impossibilità di viaggiare a causa del covid, che per le legge italiana impone una quarantena obbligatoria. Abbiamo inviato la documentazione che attesta l'obbligo di quarantena nei periodo della partenza. Mi sembrava che fosse più che dovuto il diritto al voucher! Dipende forse dalla scelta di assicurazione Ryanair? Non abbiamo scelto con Ryanair forme particolari di assicurazione, ma un obbligo alla quarantena dettato da una legge nazionale può negare il diritto del viaggiatore ad essere in qualche modo risarcito? Non è chiaro quale sia realmente la motivazione adotta da Ryanair per la negazione del voucher. Chiedo in quale altro modo possiamo far valere i nostri diritti. Grazie e cordiali saluti Chiara Papalini
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