Reclamo N° 322081

28 Febbraio 2024
Ho ricevuto la seguente e-mail e vorrei sapere se è una truffa European Consumers Union Wed, Feb 14, 10:25 AM to me Hello Mr. Bruni ! We hope this mail finds you well, We are writing to you regarding the communication you received by telephone from our office. We would like to inform you that we have successfully intercepted and frozen a BTC Withdrawal intended for a Cayman Islands Bank Account, which is considered by us as 'NOT SAFE'. After accurate researches that we made in collaboration with the United Kingdom Financial Markets Watchdog "Financial Conduct Authority", we have good news for you Mr. Bruni. After numerous Checks and Controls we carried out, we have found several flaws in their operating system. The online trading society that you had an Account as a Client has been previously BLACK LISTED in our systems. There are a lot of other Clients, that has been " Treated " by this SCAM company as you. We confirm to you that you lost your money on a SCAM Operability, which " The European Securities and Market Authority ( ESMA ) Declared as s " HIGH - RISK " and DANGEROUS Investment Option. We are aware about the Fraudulent Behavior your have received from this online trading society that operates without any regard about the LAW and without any type of REGULATION, therefore you are eligible to the status of 'SCAMMED INVESTOR' and entitled to a Capital Recovery Practice. So after all this Valuations we can CONFIRM you as below : 1) Mr. Bruni is going to Receive the Final Amount of € 122,523.02 as the Result of our Investigations. 2) Mr. Bruni is going to receive 2.562025 BTC in your Private Account. 3) The Verification Procedure and the Transaction itself will be Using the Remote control by European Consumers Union Authorities. In order to receive detailed information regarding the procedure you can respond to this email. Please let us know ASAP.
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