Reclamo N° 49707

19 Maggio 2017
I am from Brazil and I am here to spend 1 month on vacation. On Tuesday, 16/05, I bought one "Chip card" on Vodafone store on Termini station. I payed 20,00 EUR. The salesman told me that I would have 50 minutes to call Brazil. On Thursday, after had called 10 minutes to Brazil, I receive a message that there is no credit enough to make call. On Friday, 19/05, I went to Termini and talked with salesman on Vodafone store "Frecciaviaggi" which asked me to talk on Vodafone office in Termini (Down stair), Unfortunately nobody gave me any explanation what happened. They played with each other saying that the other should solve the problem. I need to by another "Chip card" but I have no sure it will work during my trip to Italy during this month. I am disappoint with Vodafone service. Alvaro José Zamonelli Brazil Cel phone 55 11 99611.8925 Italy chip card 3493356478
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